Thordon rudder bearings

Reliability, long life, superior service and zero pollution have made Thordon the first choice for wicket, spur and rudder bearings for over 30 years.

Principal's website

Thordon SXL non-lubricated bearings offer a low coefficient of friction allowing total freedom from grease for all rudder bearing applications above and below the waterline.


Benefits for the shipowner:

  • Highest life guarantee on the market: twice the life of the replaced bearings (maximum 10 years), or 15 years for new constructions
  • Water or dry lubrication eliminates greasing
  • Ability to withstand shock load and vibration

Thordon complements its bearing devices with the supply of two other exclusive Thordon products:

  • Thorseal Seals
  • ThorPlas-Blue self-lubricating thermoplastic for the entire rudder control linkage